金贤中拿起放在舞台旁的木吉他上了舞台,金南熙坐在舞台下看着金贤中道:"Nancy生日快乐,还有,I love you!"下面传来一阵欢呼,金南熙有些害羞,向周围鞠躬以表示感谢。 口哨声想起后,吉他声音伴随着沙哑的嗓音响起:"Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby,Let me know,Girl I'm gonna show you how to do it,And we start real slow,You just put your lips together,And you come real close,Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby,Here we go!"不知道什么时候一阵悠扬的钢琴声毫不落后的追上了吉他的节奏,金贤中顺着钢琴声音望去,:"Welcome my whistle baby!"
服务生不知什么时候为金南熙在钢琴旁支起麦克风,金南熙清亮沁人心脾的声音随之和道:"Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby,Let me know,Boy I'm gonna show you how to do it,And we start real slow,You just put your lips together,And you come real close,Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby,Here we go!"金南熙吹起口哨,金贤中深情地看着金南熙:"whistle baby,whistle baby!"金贤中吹响口哨,金南熙轻声唱起:"whistle baby,whistle baby!"
金贤中走到金南熙身旁,抱着吉他俯身对准麦克唱道:"Go girl you can work it,Let me see your whistle while you work it,I'mma lay it back, don't stop it,Cause I love it how you drop it, drop it, drop it, on me,Now, shorty let that whistle blow,Yeah, baby let that whistle blow!"
金南熙看着金贤中,二人对视合唱道:"Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby,Let me know,Girl(boy) I'm gonna show you how to do it,And we start real slow,You just put your lips together,And you come real close,Can you blow my whistle baby, whistle baby,Here we go!"台下爆发热烈的掌声,金南熙完全的玩high了,举起金贤中递过来的饮料,高高的举过头顶大声喊道:"为青春永驻干杯!"客人们也追随金南熙大喊:"干杯!"
Whistle----Flo Rida