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11、第 11 章 ...

  •   all souls night(魂灵夜)


      齐豫大家很熟了吧,俺就不说她啥了,单说说这首《all souls night》。如果仔细看过俺前面的介绍,也仔细听过俺推荐的歌曲的朋友可能会有种感觉,这首歌的风格跟俺介绍的第一首《The Mummer’s dance(艺者之舞)》很像。其实这首歌的原唱就是《艺者之舞》的演唱者Loreena Mckennitt,这是一首与万圣节有关的歌曲,出自她的专辑《The Viste》。关于Loreena Mckennitt,俺之前已经介绍过了,在此不再介绍。之所以推荐齐豫的版本,是因为齐豫的这个版是俺最早听到的,可能是第一印象好吧,自我感觉比原唱有力度和生命感一些,不像原唱更加空灵(虽然那样的声音和配乐更符合万圣节这个主题)。

      Bonfires dot the rolling hillsides
      Figures dance around and around
      To drums that pulse out echoes of darkness
      Moving to the pagan sound

      Somewhere in a hidden memory
      Images float before my eyes
      Of fragrant nights of straw and of bongires
      And dancing till the next sunrise

      I can see the lights in a distance
      Trembling in the dark cloak of night
      Candles and lanterns are dancing,dancing
      A waltz on all souls night

      Figures of cornstalks bend in the shadows
      Held up tall as the flames leap high
      The green knight holds the holly bush
      To mark where the old year passes by

      Bonfires dot the rolling hillsides
      Figures dance around and around
      To drums that pulse out echoes of darkness
      And moving toward the pagan sound

      Standing on the bridge that crosses
      The river that goes out to the sea
      The wingd is full of a thousand voices
      They pass by the bridge and me

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