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23、第 23 章 ...
I Don’t Want To Say Goodbye
演唱者:Teddy Thompson
关于《断背山》原声大碟:担任原创配乐的gustavo santaolalla是当今拉丁音乐界最富盛名的制作人,也是二○○五年拉丁葛莱美奖的年度最佳制作人。出生阿根廷,揉合摇滚、爵士与传统拉丁乐,曾以《摩托车日记》原声带获得英国奥斯卡奖最佳电影配乐,他在《断背山》再现神妙吉他功力,简单拨弦勾勒出广漠草原景致,搭配弦乐也为这段悲伤爱情铺展出朴实隽永的意象;乡村女杰Emmylou Harris为他所写的《a love that will never grow old》献出绝美嗓音诠释,《no one’s gonna love you like me》里民谣歌手Mary Mcbride和着吉他散发幽幽蓝草风味,当代草根新星Jackie Greene的《i will never let you go》温柔固执,新生代民谣歌手Teddy Thompson在《i don’t want to say goodbye》中唱出青春深情;他与已出柜的加拿大创作才子Rufus Wainwright翻唱六零年代乡村巨匠Roger Miller名作《king of the road》展现摇摆风味。草根摇滚歌手Steve Earle为本片重新灌录代表作《the devil’s right hand》,乡村长青老将Willie Nelson翻作bob dylan编曲的民谣《he was a friend of mine》隐约呼应结局。
关于Teddy Thompson:Teddy Thompson也有一个很犀利的音乐人老爸Richard Thompson,而且首张大碟也用了本名做Title,不过两者的曲风相差就何止10万8千里。趁着《断背山》获得最佳配乐大奖的东风,Teddy Thompson也趁势推出了新专辑《Separate Ways》。这首歌曲的悠扬旷达,Teddy Thompson悠扬得彻骨清凉的吟唱,使这首歌跳出了影片题材本身的角色限制,使其成为独具一格的浪漫美妙伤别情歌。Teddy尝试把乡村音乐和巴洛克式的弦乐融入到民谣摇滚的曲风中,这就使这张同名唱片理所当然地成为本年度最浪漫的摇滚专辑。
I don\'t want to say goodbye
Let the stars shine through.
I don\'t want to say goodbye
All I want to do is love with you.
Just like the light of the morning
After the darkness has gone
The shadow of my love is falling
On a place where the sun always shone.
Don\'t you know that\'s where our hearts both belong?
\'Cause I don\'t want to say goodbye.
Let the stars shine through.
No, I don\'t want to say goodbye
All I want to do is love with you.
Together our two hearts are strong
Don\'t you know know that\'s where our hearts both belong?
\'Cause I don\'t want to say goodbye
Let the stars shine through.
I don\'t want to say goodbye
All I want to do is love with you
All I want to do is love with you