谢澜轻一点头,继续往下,“This is the basis of the submission made to the Law Commission by the committee of the Society of Public Teachers of Law which led to our appointment.”
窦晟张嘴,又停顿。 张嘴,又停顿。 张……
“有点长,你等我回忆回忆。”窦晟闭眼串了一遍,然后认真跟读:“This is the basis of the sub……”
身后的阳光忽然有些炙烤起来,谢澜扭身把窗纱拉好,对着那半张白纸继续读道:“Who has seen the wind? Neither I nor you.”
窦晟迟疑了一下,还是依言跟读:“Who has seen the wind? Neither I nor you.”
【各位,这段不在豆子准备好的材料里……我翻译不出了】 【啊啊啊等等,我找到了!来了来了!】
谢澜的声音比刚才领读时更轻柔,“But when the leaves hang trembling. The wind is passing through.” 窦晟声线顿住,片刻后无声一笑,继续跟道:“……But when the leaves hang trembling. The wind is passing through.”
“Who has seen the wind? Neither I nor you.” “But when the trees bow down their heads. The wind is passing by.”
“Why does the wind never rest? Wandering, whistling, to and fro. ” 【风缘何永不止,来回漂泊与呼啸。】
“Bring rain out of the west. From the dim north bringing you.” 【从西方带来了雨,从朦胧的北方带来了你。】