【Thou have three in night darkened (你们有三个人) One of thee wears mighty sword (一个带着宝剑) One of thee in shining armour (一个穿着盔甲) The left carries the confidential order of Royal Highness (一个携带女王的密令)
Dream is to wake up or to be buried (梦境的一头是苏醒,一头是长眠) Begin from the robbers break into the territory (从强盗闯进属地开始) Who disrupt thy dead sleep (扰乱沉睡的老鼠) Like rats at bells (开始啃噬时钟)
An instruction that thou must pay attention to (有一条指令你们必须注意) Before the time passes with the minute hand (在时针走到尽头之前) Knights are obliged to prevail against enemies and leave the territory (骑士们要离开贵族的领地)
Catch-1 is for Χρνο(第一条禁令是柯罗诺斯) He whom lake enclose with her mercy (他被锁在湖底) Is offended in this dungeon (黑暗承载他的愤怒) The cloke that covers flare is a shroud of death and dust (当他被激怒,一切都将被尘土覆盖)
The time has come true (时机已经来临) The robbers have been rightly set (强盗破门而入) Thou hast left death for enemy (你们只有两个选择让死神与敌人作伴) Or crown them with thy life (否则以生命为他们加冕)
Catch-2 is for strangers (第二条禁令是陌生人) The face hast not been seen (你们无法看清他的面孔) Nor hast voice been listened (也无法听清他的声音) The lamp has been lit (当油灯被点起) Strangers can be asked into thy house (你们发出了珍贵的邀请) 】