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首页>《About a boy(关于一个男孩)》  第8章

网友:lailaolan 打分:0 [2006-05-16 21:27:57]

Sorry to be an long-term diver. I like this story very much, I think it is phenomenal. Hmm, how to put it, it is all about unspeakble human behavior, I guess. I run into Mr/Ms Jian from Bloody Rose. But I like this one better. It is clean-cut. Make me feel sad, but not type of tearing-your-heart amd making-you-cry sad. Instead, the sadness from this story is like a light smoke, it's surrond you and cann't jump out. That type of sadness is not easy to forget, since it is from our heart, from the inner-me, the true emotion you shade yourself from during your everyday life. It tore open our mask and force us to face ourselve, see how phathetic we are. That why I say this story is phenomenal.


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