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网友:1122 打分:2 [2007-10-04 00:09:35]
№1 网友:白儿兔 评论:《辟 邪》 打分:2 发表时间:2007-10-03 23:34:24 所评章节:41 女主的缺点还是很多的阿,苯也就算了,不喜欢她市井小民的作风,再纯真聪颖一点就好了 ===============================================================Sorry, can't agree with you. I think she is really smart, cute and unsophisticated.
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网友:1122 打分:2 [2007-10-04 00:09:35]
№1 网友:白儿兔 评论:《辟 邪》 打分:2 发表时间:2007-10-03 23:34:24 所评章节:41
Sorry, can't agree with you. I think she is really smart, cute and unsophisticated.