lisland - I have been waiting for you to come and comment on the finale:) You spelled out what I would also want to say yet could not have said nearly as well. "任性张扬的表面下是异常的隐忍深情。" (totally) "我倒觉得,他胜在"柔弱"...柔软敏感的内心..." (sigh). Well, it's kinda sad that this story came to an end. Before we part though, I would like to say that it was lovely meeting you here and watching you interpreting and "defending" the guy we both love too much (sadly). I hope things get better and better. Take care.
网友:sqindehappy 打分:0 [2008-04-13 05:06:54]
lisland -
I have been waiting for you to come and comment on the finale:) You spelled out what I would also want to say yet could not have said nearly as well. "任性张扬的表面下是异常的隐忍深情。" (totally) "我倒觉得,他胜在"柔弱"...柔软敏感的内心..." (sigh).
Well, it's kinda sad that this story came to an end. Before we part though, I would like to say that it was lovely meeting you here and watching you interpreting and "defending" the guy we both love too much (sadly). I hope things get better and better. Take care.