what will be ranked in the third place? sorry I cannot type chinese now and I really want to leave a message so the only solution is that "Da Da" you need to be tortured by my poor english, lol~^^ Love 小侯爷 soooo much...作者回复: 口年的孩子,摸摸,第三卷俺还没想好故事捏=。=大概就是魔女妖男西域记吧
网友:candacewang 打分:2 [2008-10-15 00:44:31]
what will be ranked in the third place? sorry I cannot type chinese now and I really want to leave a message so the only solution is that "Da Da" you need to be tortured by my poor english, lol~^^ Love 小侯爷 soooo much...作者回复: