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3、you and me ...

  •   You and me have been together for a long time.
      So long, that I have already forgot how long.

      Many people don't understand us.
      Yes, that is a big problem, right?

      But, do you know me?
      The true me, that have under many covers.

      I knew you, I had known you in the very beginning, because we always together.

      Who would understand us?
      Our family? Our friends?

      Maybe, just you and me.



      Yes, maybe there aren't a us.
      But, in my heart there always be a you.

      Because without you, there aren't anyone understand.

      I am a selfish person, a selfish human been.

      When we are together, is a happy time.

      I don't want you to leave me, but I might not be always with you.

      Yes, I know I am really selfish.

      The selfish me want you be my side, as always.

note 作者有话说
第3章 you and me

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