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4、you went away ...

  •   You said you would walk down this path with me
      But then you release your hand
      You said this path is too hard and you can not go on anymore
      So you let go, and you went away

      But you had told me
      You will hold my hand to the end
      You will hold me in your arm and not let go
      You will protect me from harm
      I only need to follow you

      And I had been doing that for a long time
      Sunrise and sundown
      You were the only one with me
      You hold me tight
      You said you need me
      So I keep walking
      Keep walking on this painful path

      But now you said
      You were tired
      And you can not go on anymore
      So you let go

      You let go of my hand
      You went away

      Then I think
      Maybe what happen before
      Maybe is just my dream
      A dream of my many
note 作者有话说
第4章 you went away

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